Identify Diseases of The Habit of Urinating

Are you including people who have trouble holding urination? If correct, maybe you suffer from bladder problems. Read urinary habits that indicate a problem on your bladder.

Problems in the bladder is tedious and often accompanied by more serious conditions that need to be aware of. As quoted from Caring, there are seven habits that can diagnose problems urinating. This is it :

1. Too frequent urination

According to the doctors, if the frequency of pee over 8 times a day means there is a possibility you suffer
from overactive bladder or the desire to urinate constantly. This is usually caused by too much to drink or eat certain foods and drugs that trigger overactive bladder.

2. Can't hold urine

Can not resist the desire urine is also one sign you have an overactive bladder. Urinary habits is most transmissible by the elderly and people suffering from dementia.

3. Feels hot during urination

Burning sensation during urination is one symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI), in both women and men. Sometimes a burning sensation is also accompanied by pain. In women, the pain was located above the pubic bone, while men in the rectum. If accompanied by fever and fatigue, you may suffer from the condition of severe UTI.

4. Aweakened urine flow

Once you are 40, some men often have urinary habits that are not smooth. Urine flow was weak and easily distracted. If this habit is accompanied by a continuous desire to urinate, these symptoms could indicate a problem with the prostate.

5. Wake up at night to urinate at night to urinate

If you wake up at night to urinate, it could be because you are too much to drink. But when you wake up more than two days or routine case, then it is a symptom of overactive bladder.

6. Bedwetting while laughing

Too often physically force the body can make you urinate by accident. But if you wetting while laughing, you may suffer from stress incontinence, discharge of urine when there is a sudden pressure on the lower abdominal muscles, such as when coughing, laughing, lifting something or exercise.

7. Urinate when having sex

Normally this is experienced when a woman will feel the orgasm. This often make women feel confident and choose to avoid sexual intercourse. Discharge of urine during sex caused by a nerve disorder known as urge incontinence.

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