Herbal Diet and Has Been Proven

Do not believe the lure of advertising, you should first carefully the content of slimming drug. Oversight bodies the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) even forbade the consumption of slimming drugs containing ephedrine content akftif E.sinica or because it has side effects of psychiatric symptoms, interfere with the digestive tract and makes the heart pounding.

Do not believe the iming-iming ad, we recommend carefully prior to the slimming drug content. Drug and food regulatory bodies of U.S. (FDA), but prohibits the consumption of slimming medicine containing E.sinica akftif or efedrin content because it has side effects psychiatric symptoms, interfere with the gastrointestinal as well as heart palpitations.

Which can be classified into fad diets such as low-carb diet, food combining, based on blood type diet, mayo clinic diet. frequent prohibitions to eat certain foods, often the body's nutritional needs are not met because of lack of vitamins, iron, and fiber. In terms of nutrition, all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are encouraged to eat foods that vary in the amount of balance, because the body needs various nutrients as well.

How to Lose Weight in a Healthy and Natural?
Although no definitive answer which one is most appropriate diet to lose weight especially with the slimming drug, but dr. John recommends a dietary pattern that carried out by the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) in the U.S.. NWCR is a data set of people (there are 4000 people) who have lost weight over 13 kg and persisted for more than 5 years.

The way diet is low in fat (24 percent of calorie intake), intake of high carbohydrate, low calorie (1300-1500 kcal / day). Because we do not know how many calories are contained in food, dr.Johanes suggested to reduce the intake is smaller than normal portions. "To reduce 500 calories per day is easy anyway, as if eating gado-gado (from Indonesia), reduce its peanut sauce and crackers, white rice rather than fried rice, and sebagainya.Dijelaskan by dr.Johanes, the majority of the members listed in NWCR do eat breakfast regularly, monitor their own weight and exercising regularly. With a low-fat diet low in calories such as these have proven to reduce weight over 13 kg and can be maintained for more than 5 years.

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