How to remove stains safe acne scars is to use the traditional way of traditional. If we use a chemical based acne remover sometimes irritate the face. Meanwhile, in a modern way of eliminating acne is to use advanced technology or equipment from the doctor.
1. Washing your face two times a day
Washing your face two times a day will help remove the oil on the surface of our skin. If we are rarely cleaned, then the acne-causing bacteria will thrive in our faces. But remember .. do not wash face excessively especially facial scrub
because it actually will increase oil production sobaceous which can cause skin problems on the face. Wash your face 2 times a day using a mild soap.
2. Customize your cosmetics with your skin type.
If your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin, if you use cosmetics that do not suit your skin type, acne facial skin will soon come to you. So be careful in choosing cosmetics.
3. Avoid the oily cosmetics.
Naturally we face will produce oil, even though dry skin. So as much as possible avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be the media that causes acne bacteria to settle on our faces.
4. Dry your face with a towel.
Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower, because the bacteria are also like a moist and warm.
5. Expand drinking water.
Nearly 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.
6. Use a skin moisturizer.
Using a moisturizer will help to nourish our skin, especially from dry skin and chapped. But here does not mean moisturizing moisturizer berminyak.sekarang many cosmetic products are water based.
7. Wash your face before bed.
Make sure your skin is clean before bed. Always wash your face before bed for your skin regenerate properly.
8. Frequently eat vegetables and fruit.
Vegetables contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Expand eat vegetables or fruits, especially those containing vitamin E. With healthy skin, then acne would be difficult to grow and develop.
9. Adequate sleep and organized.
The skin is also just like us, need a break. So get used to sleeping enough and regularly. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful toxins so that when we wake up the next day we'll come back refreshed skin.
10. Be careful when using hair oil.
Try not to hit to the face. Cover your face with a towel while using the hair oil, hair spray or mousse. After the shower, do not forget to re-rinse your face to eliminate the possibility of former shampoo or conditioner left on the face.
11. Consider the hot weather.
Do not sweat, bacteria and dirt in the face. tie your hair when heat and avoid wearing hats and glasses.
12. Change your diet.
Eating chocolate, sweets and greasy food can change your skin gesture. Limit your intake of junk food, get more vitamins and change your lifestyle for healthier. regular sleep, and do not let your body dehydrate.
13. Go to the dermatologist.
You should try to see a dermatologist as a last alternative, if your acne start to affect your confidence. Doctors can advise the best medicine and how to use the most effective.
To prevent acne blemishes you do not become more severe are:
1. Do not squeeze your pimples, especially if your hands are not clean because it will ONLY increasingly meperparah your acne may even lead to other injuries or infections.
2. If injuries occur, you can apply iodine to prevent infection are ongoing.
3. Try using herbs starfruit in mash until smooth like porridge and then mixed with water salt to taste, body scrub also serves as an astringent that will help minimize the pores are open too wide.
4. Avoid the fatty foods and introduce more vitamin C and zinc-containing foods.
How to remove acne naturally is the following:
1. Washing your face two times a day
Washing your face two times a day will help remove the oil on the surface of our skin. If we are rarely cleaned, then the acne-causing bacteria will thrive in our faces. But remember .. do not wash face excessively especially facial scrub
because it actually will increase oil production sobaceous which can cause skin problems on the face. Wash your face 2 times a day using a mild soap.
2. Customize your cosmetics with your skin type.
If your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin, if you use cosmetics that do not suit your skin type, acne facial skin will soon come to you. So be careful in choosing cosmetics.
3. Avoid the oily cosmetics.
Naturally we face will produce oil, even though dry skin. So as much as possible avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be the media that causes acne bacteria to settle on our faces.
4. Dry your face with a towel.
Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower, because the bacteria are also like a moist and warm.
5. Expand drinking water.
Nearly 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.
6. Use a skin moisturizer.
Using a moisturizer will help to nourish our skin, especially from dry skin and chapped. But here does not mean moisturizing moisturizer berminyak.sekarang many cosmetic products are water based.
7. Wash your face before bed.
Make sure your skin is clean before bed. Always wash your face before bed for your skin regenerate properly.
8. Frequently eat vegetables and fruit.
Vegetables contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Expand eat vegetables or fruits, especially those containing vitamin E. With healthy skin, then acne would be difficult to grow and develop.
9. Adequate sleep and organized.
The skin is also just like us, need a break. So get used to sleeping enough and regularly. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful toxins so that when we wake up the next day we'll come back refreshed skin.
10. Be careful when using hair oil.
Try not to hit to the face. Cover your face with a towel while using the hair oil, hair spray or mousse. After the shower, do not forget to re-rinse your face to eliminate the possibility of former shampoo or conditioner left on the face.
11. Consider the hot weather.
Do not sweat, bacteria and dirt in the face. tie your hair when heat and avoid wearing hats and glasses.
12. Change your diet.
Eating chocolate, sweets and greasy food can change your skin gesture. Limit your intake of junk food, get more vitamins and change your lifestyle for healthier. regular sleep, and do not let your body dehydrate.
13. Go to the dermatologist.
You should try to see a dermatologist as a last alternative, if your acne start to affect your confidence. Doctors can advise the best medicine and how to use the most effective.
To prevent acne blemishes you do not become more severe are:
1. Do not squeeze your pimples, especially if your hands are not clean because it will ONLY increasingly meperparah your acne may even lead to other injuries or infections.
2. If injuries occur, you can apply iodine to prevent infection are ongoing.
3. Try using herbs starfruit in mash until smooth like porridge and then mixed with water salt to taste, body scrub also serves as an astringent that will help minimize the pores are open too wide.
4. Avoid the fatty foods and introduce more vitamin C and zinc-containing foods.
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