Practical Tips For You Not Easily Forgotten

Do not remember where to put your glasses or forgetting the name of a college friend who had just you talking to? Things like that are common in everyday life. To help you memorize, it's good exercise following brain.

"Forgetting something indicates that you are too busy focusing on other things. When someone is not paying good attention to something, that memory is formed in the brain would not be so obvious that he would have trouble removing the memory again, "says Zaldy S. Tan, MD of the Memory Disorders Clinic at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston.

1.Remember people's names

- Give full attention when met, ensure spellingnya, use his name during a conversation or separate.
- Give the picture to its name, if his name has a specific meaning or description of type face.

- Create a memory that is connected, as in what event did you meet him or anyone with him at the time.
- A little cheat by writing the characteristics of his face behind a business card when you can get acquainted.

2. Remember to put small items
- Remember what you did before until last performed.
- Remind your brain when to put something somewhere, like 'I put the key in the motorcycle jacket'.
- Make it a habit, provide a place to put something, and teach yourself to put things in place.

3. Remember the activities that must be done
- Start with a ritual, make a little note, put something odd to attract the attention of the record.
- Sing the things you want to do with equating the rhythm of sentences and the rhythm of the song.
- Use your body to remember what you should do, like a hand when it will write a report, will wash your feet when the shoes gear when going to buy toothpaste and others. Runutkan all functions of your body.

4. Remember email passwords or ATM PIN

- Sharpen your memory with a number describing the figures as an object, such as 0 for the ring, 2 for geese, 5 for pregnant women, 7 to boomerang, and so on. Use your imagination and create your own creations.
- Use the same pronunciation for a number, like the number 6 which when spoken sounds like 'diamond' and so on.

5. Remember anything that can not remember

- Read, write, say and do repeatedly. To recall the length of sentence or a speech, start typing in the computer or record it with a tape recorder and then listen again and again.
- Use colors in your notes with the titles that were thick or certain symbols.
- Make a map of thought or mind map, and make the branches of the central section by writing down whatever is in your brain.

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