How to Recognize The Color of Urine and Indications illness

The urine is our dirt that came out of the liquid. Generally, the color of urine is determined by the magnitude of diuresis (increase in urine formation). The greater the diuresis, urine color are getting younger. Normal urine color ranges from light yellow to dark yellow. color was caused by several kinds of substances, especially UROCHROM and UROBILIN.

However color is not necessarily abnormal for severe disease. It could be caused by abnormal metabolism of the results derived from a type of food or medicines

Here color-Related Urine Color,
The dye normally in large quantities: Urobilin, Urochrom

Dye abnormal: bilirubin
The influence of drugs: Santonin, riboflavin, or the influence of candy
Disease indications: none (normal)

The dye normally in large quantities: indikan (indoxilsulfat)
The influence of drugs: methyleneblue, Evan's blue
Indications disease: obstruction (blockage of the small intestine)

3. RED
The dye normally in large quantities: uroerythrin
The dye abnormal: hemoglobin, porphyrins, porfobilin
The influence of drugs: santonin, amidopyrin, congored nor food dye
Indications of disease: acute nefitit glomerulonevitis (panyakit kidney), bladder cancer

The dye normally in large quantities: urobilin
The dye abnormal: bilirubin, hematin, porfobilin
Indications of disease: hepatitis

The dye normally in large quantities: indikan
The dye abnormal: the old blood, alkapton, melamine
Influence drugs: derivatives, phenol, argyrol
Disease indications: nefrotika syndrome (kidney disease)

The dye normally in large quantities: phosphate, uric
The dye abnormal: pus, lymph prostate, chylus, fatty substances, bacteria, the frozen protein
Indications disease: Urinary tract infections, lymph gland leakage

well if it's clear how? That's actually a good one, just calm. It indicates levels of toxins in the body there are 85% gone. The point should drink plenty of water.

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